Hi kids. It’s Thursday, August 31, 2017. Last day of the month. Gramma made a cake for Gracie to take into her studio tomorrow. She can’t believe I can’t smell it. I’m a little stuffy tonight, might be due to the changing organics in the air. Some of ’em really get to me and clog …
August 2017 archive
Aug 30
Day 19,706
Hey, kids. Grampa Bob here, waiting for Gracie to get back from her studio work up on campus. Dane and I just kicked back for a bit to watch an episode of “The History of Comedy” on CNN. The subject was satire, and they covered quite a bit of territory, from Mel Brooks to Key …
Aug 29
Day 19,705
OK, it’s Tuesday night, August 29, 2017. Time for me to chat with the progeny. A number of weeks back, I sprained my wrist falling into the old washer out in the garage after I tripped walking across the floor. I think I recall catching my foot on something as I was moving towards the …
Aug 28
Day 19,704
Hello, descendants! Grampa Bob trying to make sure my blog is more interesting than that of any other grumpy old grandparents that show up in the family tree. The news is still full of stories about how bad things are and are continuing to worsen in Texas with Hurricane Harvey. Don’t worry, kids, we’re making …
Aug 27
Day 19,703
Hey kids! Grampa Bob here again. It’s August 27, 207. Hurrican Harvey is trashing Texas right now. Will be for a couple more days. I wonder what the history books will have written in them about this particular meteorological episode? I also can’t help but wonder what additional events will follow. Will things get better? …
Aug 26
Day 19,702
Getting ready t head upstairs and head to bed, 9:42 on a Saturday night. Yesterday my mom turned 75. For any descendants of ours that read this, know that my mom is a loving woman that was warm and creative. She loves her art, and she loves watching children and grandchildren play sports. It’s her …
Aug 25
Day 19,701
Some days you have it, some days you don’t. Today has been leaning a little more towards the latter. I had my pen in my shirt, and my little Quattro pad in my back pocket, and I was ready to write down any idea that struck me as it settled into my feeble little brain. …
Aug 24
Day 19,700
Today is one of those days that I coasted through. As you go through life, there are going to be some days where you are pressed to get things done, and some other days that don’t throw responsibility after responsibility at you time and time again. I’m not saying that you want a lot of …
Aug 23
Day 19,699
Don’t argue with idiots. This is a little message to my descendants. In this life you will find yourself immersed in academic pursuits. You’ll study, math, the various and sundry liberal sciences, and any number of interests that spawn questions, the answers of which can be measured in verifiable values. Numbers lead to measurables which lead …
Aug 22
Day 19,698
Hi, descendants! OK, so now there’s this weird little epiphany where I stop and realize that, yes, I have three kids. I have three wonderful kids. But… and that’s a big but… I have no guarantee that any of my kids will have kids of their own. Part of this cynicism comes from my firm …