Some days are highs, some days are lows. I think it’s best to make the most of the highs, gather in the memories, and make them last as long as possible. When the lows happen, and we all know that lows happen, it’s important to make sure those lows don’t drag you too far down. …
July 2017 archive
Jul 10
Day 19,655
First day back in the classroom in a few weeks. I gotta tell ya, I need to quit sleeping in during prep weeks. It’s easy to get spoiled, not having to get up, get going, and hit the road by 6:30 or thereabouts in order to get to Leawood ahead of the traffic. Last night …
Jul 09
Day 19,654
One of the interesting measurements that WordPress makes is this moving target attribute referred to as “readability”. I think the idea of readability is an interesting concept. Everything I write is pretty simple, really. I use only one language, the American dialect of English. That part should keep my readability score fairly easy to manage. I …
Jul 08
Day 19,653
Yesterday was not my best day. I made a rash decision after hearing about the passing of a friend. Car died, got towed, stayed in a cheap motel, picked up a rental car, drove home. I think sometime’s God sends me messages. The message from yesterday was probably, “Next time, just stay home”. Seriously. Car repairs …
Jul 07
Day 19,652
Some days you want to post about significant events, but there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that give us pause. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have a tendency to overstate, and I know that can drive some members of my family a little bit nuts. Right now I’m also wondering how practical it …
Jul 06
Day 19,651
Well, crap. Looks like I forgot to post last night. I went back and double checked and realized I did tweet a little bit… sometime early in the afternoon, I asked for suggestions about a blog entry, and apparently, I forgot to go back through and check to see if I had any suggestions. That’s …
Jul 04
Day 19,649
July 4, 2017 I’m thinking a lot today about what it means to be an American. I’ve been called a traitor by some that support the current administration, but I feel like I’m supporting some pretty American traits in my defiance of the Russian candidate. Sounds a bit like “The Manchurian Candidate”. Our country and …
Jul 03
Day 19,648
I need to think about reading more fiction again. I love fiction. Heck, I love books. For the last few years, however, I’ve been primarily focused on reading via audio books. I do love the format, as it adds a degree of portability that you just don’t get from the traditional medium. I can listen …
Jul 02
Day 19,647
OK, rough weekend. Lost a friend. Watching “The Shack” again. Sometimes you just want to scream. Doesn’t help that my back is ripped again. Too much yard work, trying to get the house back on the market. Pretty jacked up how just bending over to pull a weed can jack up the back of a …
Jul 01
Day 19,646
I realize that there a very few people that honestly give a shit about what I have to say, or how I’m feeling at any given moment, and that’s OK. Seriously… how often do we stop and ask people how they are doing, and say it in such a manner that we invite a real, feeling …